Committees and Groups
ACW: The Anglican Church Women co-ordinate the Christmas Bazaar, provide receptions following funerals, and other events at St. Andrew’s and enjoy two social events each year ~ a June BBQ and a dinner in December. Information: Gillian Wood: 905 309 7798
Altar Guild: Ms. Arlene Book
Cemetery Board: Mr. Mark Young
Children’s & Youth Ministry: The Sunday School Team
Youth Group: Every 2nd and 4th Monday- Ping Pong in the Main Gym 6-7:15
Communications and Media: Ms. Jessica Clout
Euchre: The last Friday of each month, except December, at 7 pm in Parish Hall. Only $5.00 includes snacks/refreshments/door prizes. Bring a friend or come alone ~ all ages and abilities welcome. Information: Pat Hore
Finance Committee & Investment Committee: Chris Sherk (Chair), Gerry Straker (Head of Investments)
Greening Committee: Ms. Jessica Clout
Men’s Lunch: An informal soup and sandwich lunch every 3rd Wednesday at 12 noon in the Fireside Room, Parish Hall. A free-will donation. Come as you are! Bring a friend!
Men’s Breakfast: Breakfast at Elm Street Cafe the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8 am. All men are welcome, join this casual gathering.
Movie & Dinner Nights: The third Saturday (unless otherwise specified) of every month, with most movie nights being pot luck with some being themed events. Contact: Peter Bromley
Mission & Discipleship: The Rev. Deacon Jean Ruttan-Yates
Parish Council: Meetings Via ZOOM
Pastoral Care Group: The Rev. Deacon Jean Ruttan-Yates; Judy Connor; Mary Smith; Lesley Smith
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3 pm in the Fireside Room. Come to knit or crochet shawls for the ill, bereaved, and for Baptisms. Tea, goodies, fellowship, and knitting/crocheting. Information: Margaret Phoenix 289 682 9115 or Janis Kent 905 643 6582.Mrs. Margaret Phoenix and Mrs. Janis Kent
Property: Frank Ruggles
P.W.R.D.F. Representative: The Rev. Deacon Jean Ruttan-Yates
Ruth and Naomi is a widow’s support group meeting the first Sunday of each month for a pot luck lunch. Contact: Jean Ruttan-Yates 905 945 4003
Stewardship: Mrs. Gail H-C
SYNOD Reps: Mark Young
The Women’s Cancer Support Group meets on the 3rd Monday of the month in the Fireside Room. We welcome all women, who have, or have had, cancer. Please phone Lesley Smith: 905 945 1330 for more information.
The Parish Hall RENTAL: the Parish Hall is wheelchair accessible, has an accessible washroom, and is available to rent for outside functions (outside of COVID). It regularly hosts activities of local community groups including a Co-Op Preschool, Yoga, Guides and Brownies, A.A., Tai Chi, Karate, Shiatsu.
Contact the Church office 905 945 8894 for more information.